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Dragonborn DND character race: New background origins

Writer: Nick@VerseNick@Verse

Table of contents

Introduction to the Dragonborn Race

Dragonborn, as their names suggest, are born from dragons—embodying the fierce and majestic qualities of these mythical creatures. They navigate through life with both the pride and scrutiny that their draconic heritage commands from the world around them. Unlike their full-dragon ancestors, dragonborn exhibit humanoid forms and lack certain draconic features like wings or tails. Despite these physical differences, they carry the essence of dragons in every aspect of their being, from their scales that glitter with the vivid colors of their ancient lineage to the potent abilities inherited from their forebears.

Physical Characteristics of Dragonborn

Scale and Coloration

Initially, dragonborn bore scales that sparkled in a myriad of hues directly reflecting their specific draconic lineage. These scales have since muted over generations due to extensive interbreeding, now typically displaying brass, bronze, scarlet, rust, gold, or copper-green shades. Despite this variety, a unifying feature among them is their formidable and statuesque build:

- Height and Weight: Dragonborn stand tall at an imposing 6½ feet on average, with robust builds weighing well over 300 pounds.

- Draconic Features: Their bodies end in strong, talon-like claws rather than typical human hands and feet, boasting three fingers and a thumb on each hand, which are well-adapted for their martial lifestyle.

Heritage and Draconic Ancestry

Dragonborn's connection to their draconic ancestors is more than skin-deep. This lineage manifests physically through scale coloration that closely matches the dragon they descend from—be it vibrant red, lustrous black, or gleaming metallic shades like gold or silver. Their heritage grants them formidable abilities, typically associated with their ancestor's type, which include:

- Breath Weapon: Depending on their draconic ancestor, dragonborn can exhale destructive energy in a variety of forms. The nature of this breath—whether fire, acid, lightning, poison, or cold—is predetermined by their draconic lineage.

- Damage Resistance: Inherit resistance to the type of damage their breath weapon inflicts, showcasing their inherent draconic toughness.

Social Structure and Culture

Clan Importance

To a dragonborn, the clan is paramount—more integral than life itself. Clans are not just familial units but are pivotal to their identity and social structure. A dragonborn's honor is measured by their clan's honor, which influences every aspect of their societal interactions:

- Clan Loyalty and Honor: A dragonborn's actions reflect directly on their clan's reputation. Dishonor brought upon by an individual can lead to severe repercussions, including expulsion.

- Social Duties and Hierarchy: Understanding one's place and duties within the clan structure is a crucial aspect of dragonborn culture. They are expected to uphold these responsibilities with utmost sincerity and dedication.

Self-Reliance and Mastery

Dragonborn are characterized by a relentless pursuit of self-improvement and excellence in all endeavors. This drive is born from:

- Skill Mastery: They hold skill and mastery in high regard, aiming to excel beyond their peers and predecessors in any chosen field.

- Resilience in Adversity: Failure is a detestable concept to dragonborn, who will endeavor tirelessly to overcome any challenge before admitting defeat.

Names and Naming Conventions

Dragonborn names are deeply entrenched in their culture, with each name carrying significant meaning:

- Personal Names: These are given at birth, reflecting the dragonborn's traits or expected path in life.

- Clan Names: Placed before personal names as a sign of respect and importance.

- Childhood Names: Often used informally among close peers, these names denote personal traits or memorable events.

Common Dragonborn Names

- Male Names: Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, and Ghesh.

- Female Names: Akra, Biri, Daar, Farideh, and Harann.

- Clan Names: Clethtinthiallor, Daardendrian, and Fenkenkabradon.

## Unique Dragonborn Variants: The Draconians

In specific mythos, such as the Dragonlance universe, draconians serve as a dark mirror to dragonborn. Created through vile rituals that corrupt the eggs of metallic dragons, these beings emerged as soldiers for evil forces, featuring unique traits:

- Types of Draconians: Each corresponds to one of the metallic dragons—gold, brass, bronze, copper, and silver.

- Magical Abilities: Unlike dragonborn, draconians possess unique magical powers in place of traditional draconic breath weapons.


Dragonborn represent a complex blend of the might and majesty of dragons with the depth of humanoid cultures. They stand as proud members of their clans, formidable foes on the battlefield, and beings of profound honor and cultural depth. Understanding

 their traits, societal structures, and the potential within each dragonborn can enrich any encounter or story within a fantasy setting.

Part Two: The Dragonborn of Eldraek- Exploring the Guardians of the Fringe

Welcome to Part Two of our comprehensive guide on the Dragonborn. This section introduces Eldraek, a secluded realm poised at the edge of the known world, enveloped in the mysteries of uncharted terrains and ancient legacies. Far from the bustling kingdoms of humans, the deep forests of elves, and the mountain strongholds of dwarves, Eldraek offers a pristine canvas for the most enigmatic of all races—the Dragonborn.

Eldraek is characterized by its diverse landscapes, which range from jagged volcanic ridges to wind-swept plains and dense, mystic jungles that few outsiders have ever traversed. Here, the Dragonborn have thrived for centuries, far removed from the politics and conflicts of more familiar civilizations. This isolation has fostered a unique and vibrant culture, rich with traditions, beliefs, and power struggles, all deeply influenced by their draconic heritage.

As the primary inhabitants of this realm, the Dragonborn are the custodians of its secrets and the defenders of its integrity. Players and Game Masters (GMs) venturing into this part of your campaign will encounter a society where honor is more than a word—it is the cornerstone of life. Every mountain, every river, and every plain in Eldraek has a guardian clan with its own history, customs, and internal dynamics.

This guide aims to provide a detailed exploration into the cultural fabric, military prowess, and arcane mysteries of the Dragonborn. From the hierarchical clan systems to the sacred rites that affirm a young Dragonborn's passage into adulthood, and from the formidable military strategies to the ancient, elemental magic that permeates their land, every aspect is designed to enrich your storytelling and gameplay.

Eldraek is not just a setting for adventures but a dynamic entity that can seamlessly integrate into your existing campaigns or inspire new stories. Whether you are looking to expand the lore of your world with new allies and enemies, or to give your players the thrill of discovering a society that blends the majestic and the mysterious, Eldraek's Dragonborn await, ready to unfold their wings in the narratives you choose to weave. This is your gateway into their world, shaped by the fires of their draconic ancestors, and honed by the trials of their foreboding homeland. Welcome to Eldraek, where legends roam freely and every step into the mist reveals a new, untold adventure.

Deep Cultural Ethnography of the Dragonborn in Eldraek

Nestled within the rugged landscapes of Eldraek are the Dragonborn, a race whose presence is as ancient as the land itself. This section delves deep into the culture, traditions, and clans of the Dragonborn, uncovering the rich tapestry that defines their society.

Clan Lineages and Histories

The Dragonborn clans of Eldraek are the descendants of the mythical Drakorith, the progenitor of all dragons, whose power still permeates the land. Each clan is distinct, marked by unique customs, coloration, and territories they fiercely defend.

Clan Pyrothus

In the infernal fields near the Molten Tongue, a river of flowing lava, resides Clan Pyrothus. Recognizable by their fiery red scales that mirror the burning landscape around them, this clan boasts some of the most skilled smiths and artisans in Eldraek. The weapons they craft are not only functional but are revered as masterpieces imbued with the essence of fire itself, often displaying intricate designs that reflect their makers’ fiery spirits.

Clan Zephyri

High atop the Skyreach Peaks, where the winds govern all, Clan Zephyri thrives. Their scales shimmer like the clear, expansive sky, varying in hues from the soft blue of a serene afternoon to the vibrant orange and pinks of sunrise. Zephyri are considered the most spiritual of all the clans; they seek wisdom in the air currents, believing these winds carry the voices of their ancestors. The Zephyri are also known as the mediators among the clans, often called upon to resolve disputes with their age-old wisdom.

Social Customs and Traditions

The Dragonborn of Eldraek live by the Draconic Edict, a set of laws and moral guidelines that dictate every aspect of their societal interactions. Honor is more than a social currency; it is the essence of life, with each individual's actions directly reflecting on their clan’s honor.

Rites of Ascendance

The Trial of Scales is a rite of passage for every young Dragonborn coming of age. This perilous journey tests their strength, wisdom, and courage. Success in the trial not only secures a Dragonborn’s place in adult society but also enhances their clan's standing within the Great Scale, the overarching council. Failure, however, might mean exile or a diminished role, a fate few Dragonborn can bear.

The Great Moot

Every ten years, the Dragonborn clans gather for the Great Moot, an assembly where critical issues are debated, disputes settled, and alliances forged. This council is presided over by the Great Scale, a body composed of the eldest and wisest members of each clan. It is during these meetings that the future of Eldraek is shaped, with leaders chosen and policies enacted that will govern the land until the next moot.

The Draconic Edict not only maintains order but also enshrines the values of strength, courage, and wisdom as the pillars of Dragonborn society. It is through this prism that the Dragonborn view the world—a perspective inherently tied to their draconic heritage, which emphasizes the power of the individual as much as the strength of the community.

The clans of Eldraek, each with its unique traditions and customs, paint a complex picture of a society that is as diverse as it is unified in its reverence for the past and its aspirations for the future. This deep cultural ethnography not only provides a framework for understanding the Dragonborn of Eldraek but also offers a rich background against which epic tales of honor, conflict, and magic can be set. Whether integrating the Dragonborn into existing campaigns or using Eldraek as the setting for new adventures, this guide serves as a gateway to exploring the multifaceted lives of one of fantasy’s most powerful and mystical races.

Role and Impact in the World: The Dragonborn of Eldraek

The Dragonborn of Eldraek, while isolated by the unforgiving terrains of their homeland, play a crucial role in the geopolitical dynamics of the region. Their territories, though perilous, are strategically positioned along essential trade routes, making them pivotal players in the commerce and politics of the wider world.

Geopolitical Influence

Eldraek’s location at the edge of the known world does not diminish its importance in regional trade and diplomacy. The Dragonborn, with their formidable reputations as warriors and sorcerers, control key passes and resources critical to the survival and prosperity of their neighbors.

Territorial Domains

The Dragonborn territories are defined by natural fortifications: mountain ranges, volcanic fields, and narrow passes. Each clan controls a specific portion of these lands, guarding the vital routes that are lifelines for trade:

  • The Molten Passes: Controlled by Clan Pyrothus, these treacherous paths cut through the volcanic heartlands of Eldraek. The heat and fumes from molten flows make these routes risky, but the minerals and rare ores found here are worth the peril.

  • The Windwalk Heights: Dominated by Clan Zephyri, these towering peaks form a natural barrier against invasions. The paths here, though dizzyingly high, are crucial for trade winds that facilitate travel and communication across the realm.

These areas, while inherently dangerous, are invaluable for their strategic and economic contributions, providing passage and resources that sustain not only the Dragonborn but also the economies of distant lands.

Inter-species Relations

The Dragonborn are known as the guardians of Eldraek, a title borne out of both respect and necessity. Their interactions with other species are complex, shaped by centuries of conflict and cooperation:

  • Alliances and Trade: While wary of outsiders, the Dragonborn do engage in trade with other races. These relationships are carefully managed through treaties that ensure mutual benefits while protecting Eldraek’s interests.

  • Diplomatic Isolation: Historically, the Dragonborn prefer isolation, engaging with others only when needed. This has led to misconceptions about their nature—viewed by some as aloof or hostile, though they are fundamentally driven by a deep sense of honor and duty.

Military and Strategic Importance

The military might of the Dragonborn is not to be underestimated. Each clan maintains a force of "Scaleblades," elite warriors who are as proficient with magic as they are with martial weapons.

  • Defensive Strategies: The natural fortifications of Eldraek are complemented by the strategic genius of the Dragonborn, who employ advanced warfare tactics that make any invasion a daunting prospect.

  • Offensive Capabilities: When the need arises, the Dragonborn can launch formidable assaults. The combination of their elemental magic and physical prowess makes them terrifying opponents on the battlefield.

The Dragonborn’s role in Eldraek extends beyond mere military might. They are the keepers of ancient magics and traditions, stewards of the land that has sustained them for generations. Their impact on the region is profound, influencing trade routes, diplomatic relations, and the balance of power in a world where magic and might dictate survival.

Through their mastery of the land and its resources, the Dragonborn of Eldraek not only survive but thrive, their influence felt far beyond the craggy peaks and fiery plains of their homeland. As gatekeepers of some of the most valuable routes and resources, they hold a pivotal position in the geopolitics of the world—an isolated yet indispensable nation, woven intricately into the fabric of regional stability and prosperity. The Dragonborn, with their ancient wisdom and unmatched prowess, continue to shape the fate of Eldraek and all who dare to navigate its formidable landscapes.

Magic and Spirituality in Eldraek

The Dragonborn of Eldraek are not only warriors but also profound wielders of magic, deeply intertwined with the spiritual essence of their land. The magic in Eldraek is as ancient as the Drakorith themselves, permeated with the primal energies of the earth. This section explores the intricate connection between the Dragonborn's magical abilities, their religious beliefs, and the rituals that define their way of life.

Draconic Magic

Magic in Eldraek is a manifestation of the land’s soul, with Dragonborn drawing on these primal energies to wield powerful geomantic spells. This form of magic, deeply rooted in the earth, air, and fire of their homeland, grants them the ability to manipulate their environment to an extraordinary degree.

Innate Abilities

The Dragonborn possess the ability to harness the elements through a discipline known as geomantic sorcery. This magical practice involves:

  • Elemental Manipulation: Dragonborn geomancers can call upon the land’s energy to cast spells that can quench flames, move the earth, or summon gusts of wind with mere gestures and incantations.

  • Environmental Harmony: Their magic is also used to promote agricultural prosperity, heal the land from blights, and sometimes even alter the terrain to better suit their needs.

Magical Artifacts

Among the most revered magical items in Eldraek are the Heartstones—shimmering fragments of the mythical Heart of Drakorith, which was said to pulse with the pure essence of draconic power. These artifacts are not only sources of immense energy but are also central to the Dragonborn’s ritualistic practices.

  • Properties of Heartstones: Capable of channeling vast magical energies, Heartstones enhance the geomantic abilities of their wielders, allowing them to perform feats of magic that border on the miraculous.

  • Uses in Rituals: Heartstones are often used in rites that mark important events such as coronations, the commencement of the Great Moot, and other significant cultural ceremonies.

Religious Beliefs

The spirituality of the Dragonborn is focused on the veneration of the Great Wyrms, deified dragon ancestors who are said to embody the primal elements of creation—earth, fire, wind, and water.

Pantheon of Gods

Each Dragonborn clan worships a specific Great Wyrm that epitomizes particular virtues:

  • Clan Pyrothus venerates Pyrithor, the Wyrm of Fire, symbolizing strength and renewal.

  • Clan Zephyri pays homage to Zephyrus, the Wyrm of Wind, representing wisdom and change.

These Great Wyrms are more than just gods; they are revered as direct ancestors and the ultimate embodiments of the Dragonborn's aspirational qualities.

Spiritual Rituals

Rituals and ceremonies are pivotal in Dragonborn culture, serving as both spiritual practices and practical reaffirmations of their social and moral values:

  • Offerings and Sacrifices: Typical offerings include gemstones and precious metals, which are believed to please the Great Wyrms and ensure their favor.

  • Rites of Power: These rituals are often conducted to mark significant changes in the clan or individual lives, such as the ascension of a new leader or the blessing of a new home.

Spiritual leaders, known as Wyrmcallers, oversee these rituals, guiding their kin in the proper ceremonial practices to maintain the favor of the Great Wyrms. These leaders are not only religious figures but also pivotal advisors in political and cultural matters, reflecting the deeply woven tapestry of magic and faith in Dragonborn society.


The magic and spirituality of the Dragonborn are reflections of their profound connection to the land of Eldraek and their ancient draconic lineage. Through their geomantic abilities and the worship of the Great Wyrms, the Dragonborn navigate their world with a deep sense of purpose and power, their lives choreographed to the timeless dance of divine energy and earthly existence. This symbiosis of belief and ability defines the Dragonborn, making them unique among the races of the known world and a fascinating subject for any campaign.


Unique Abilities and Traits of the Dragonborn in Eldraek

The Dragonborn of Eldraek are a race marked not only by their draconic heritage but also by the unique abilities and traits that this lineage bestows. These capabilities are a blend of the physical and the mystical, shaping every aspect of their life and culture. This section explores the distinct characteristics that define the Dragonborn, from their impressive resilience and elemental affinities to the rare and potent powers possessed by certain individuals.

Detailed Trait Analysis

The physical and magical capabilities of the Dragonborn are deeply influenced by their draconic ancestors, showing significant evolution from birth through to old age.

Stat Growth Charts

The development of a Dragonborn is a fascinating process, encapsulated in their stat growth charts:

  • Hatchling (0-3 years): Quick development is seen in their early years, where they gain mobility, basic language skills, and the initial signs of their elemental breath appear.

  • Juvenile (4-15 years): During these years, their physical stature strengthens dramatically, alongside a burgeoning mastery over their innate magic.

  • Adult (16-60 years): This stage marks the peak of their physical and magical abilities. It is also the period where they gain full control over their breath weapon and other elemental powers.

  • Elder (61 years and beyond): While physical strength may wane, magical abilities, particularly geomantic and elemental control, continue to intensify.

These growth phases highlight the Dragonborn's development from reliant hatchlings to formidable elders whose presence commands respect and authority.

Variant Traits

While all Dragonborn share certain commonalities, some are born with or develop variant traits that are particularly rare and valued:

Whisper of the Wind (Zephyri Clan Specific)

Whisper of the Wind is a mystical ability possessed by members of the Zephyri clan, enabling them to manipulate air currents for communication and stealth. This trait reflects their deep connection with the sky and their ancestral worship of Zephyrus, the Wyrm of Wind.

Ability Description:

Messaging: As an action, you can send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature must be within 2 miles of you. It hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. This ability does not transcend different planes of existence.

Silencing: As a bonus action, you can manipulate the air currents around you to silence your movements. For the next minute, your steps make no sound, and you have advantage on Stealth checks that rely on moving silently.


You can use each option of the Whisper of the Wind trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


  • Must be a member of the Zephyri clan.

  • This trait replaces the standard Dragonborn Breath Weapon.

Forgefire Breath (Pyrothus Clan Specific)

Forgefire Breath is a powerful and unique ability that members of Clan Pyrothus can use. This enhanced breath weapon not only causes damage but can also manipulate metal, reflective of their ancestral ties to the elemental force of fire and their god, Pyrithor, the Wyrm of Fire.

Ability Description:

Molten Blast: When you use your breath weapon, you can choose to exhale a blast of molten fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The fire damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level

Metal Manipulation: Additionally, once per long rest, you can use your breath to heat and temporarily mold metals. You can forge, shape, or repair a metal object within the area of your breath weapon. The object can weigh up to 5 pounds per Dragonborn level you have. You must complete this work within 10 minutes, after which the metal hardens in its new form.


The Molten Blast can be used a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

The Metal Manipulation can be used once per long rest and is a separate use from the Molten Blast.


  • Must be a member of Clan Pyrothus.

  • This trait replaces the standard Dragonborn Breath Weapon.

Unique Abilities

The Dragonborn’s abilities are a direct reflection of their elemental lineage, with each individual’s powers being shaped by the dominant element of their clan’s territory.

  • Elemental Affinity: Depending on their clan’s domain, a Dragonborn might have an increased resistance to their element, such as fire or ice, and greater control over these elemental forces.

  • Enhanced Breath Weapons: Beyond just fire, these can include streams of acid, bolts of lightning, blasts of ice, or clouds of poison, each with strategic uses in warfare and daily life.

  • Draconic Resilience: Dragonborn possess a natural toughness that makes them resistant to various forms of damage, reflecting their hardy nature and battle prowess.

Cultural Significance of Traits

In Eldraek, these traits are not merely biological but carry deep cultural significance. They are seen as blessings from the Great Wyrms, and those born with rare or powerful traits are often destined for positions of leadership or spiritual significance within their clans.

  • Rituals and Celebrations: The emergence of a unique trait within a hatchling is celebrated with elaborate rituals that reaffirm the clan’s connection to their draconic roots.

  • Social Impact: Dragonborn with particularly potent or rare abilities are often given roles that leverage these traits for the benefit of their community, such as guardians, strategists, or diplomats.

The unique abilities and traits of the Dragonborn in Eldraek are a fundamental aspect of their identity and social structure. These characteristics shape their interactions, their conflicts, and their contributions to the realm, highlighting the profound impact of their draconic heritage on their way of life and the mystical land they protect. The study of these traits not only helps in understanding the Dragonborn as a race but also enriches the gameplay by providing myriad possibilities for character development and storytelling.

Enigmatic Locales of Eldraek: Exploring Dragonborn Heritage

Eldraek, the land of the Dragonborn, is rife with locations steeped in draconic magic, ancient history, and the raw elemental fury that defines this noble race. Below are ten key locales across Eldraek, each tied deeply to the culture, myths, and daily lives of the Dragonborn who call this land home.

1. Pyroth's Furnace


Situated in the heart of Clan Pyrothus’ territory, Pyroth's Furnace is a volcanic cavern where the temperatures are so intense that they can forge dragon scale armor and weaponry. The heat within is said to be blessed by the draconic god of fire, reflecting the raw elemental fury of the volcano.

Adventure Hook

A legendary weapon, lost for ages, rumored to be forgeable only in the Furnace’s heart, where dragon fire and earth magic combine. Adventurers must retrieve rare materials guarded by fiery creatures and survive the cavern's brutal heat, which can damage those unprepared for its intensity.

2. Zephyr's Aerie


Located at the highest peak in Eldraek, this windswept aerie is home to Clan Zephyri. The winds here are believed to carry voices of the past, speaking wisdom to those who listen. It’s a sacred site where the air elementals commune with the Dragonborn.

Adventure Hook

The aerie is threatened by a band of sky pirates who seek to control the winds themselves. Players must help the Zephyri strengthen their defenses, harness the mysterious powers of gem dragons, and repel the invaders in a thrilling aerial battle.

3. The Glistening Halls


Deep beneath the earth, these crystal-laden caverns are illuminated by the vibrant colors of gemstones from the walls, resonating with psionic energy. It is a mystical place where gem Dragonborn study the oldest languages and magic forms.

Adventure Hook

The Glistening Halls are under threat as a greedy mining consortium has begun operations that could collapse the caverns. The players need to navigate the complex political landscape or physically sabotage the mining efforts to preserve this ancient wonder.

4. Drakorith’s Fall


This ancient battlefield, where the first Dragonborn, Drakorith, fell during the Cosmic War, is now a revered shrine. The area is dotted with remnants of dragon eggs and heavy armor from the fallen warriors.

Adventure Hook

An excavation team has uncovered what could be Drakorith’s original form, but awakening it requires players to gather lost draconic artifacts from around Eldraek, contending with guardians that still protect these relics.

5. Scalecaller's Summit


This mountain is a meeting place for leaders of all Dragonborn clans. Marked by stones bearing the family names of every clan chief, it’s where the Great Moots are held, and crucial decisions made.

Adventure Hook

During a Great Moot, a dispute arises when a new dragonborn with a unique scale color claims leadership of a clan without any known lineage. Players must investigate his claims, explore his mysterious past, and uncover a potential conspiracy.

6. The Chromatic Pits


Colorful yet dangerous, these pits are natural amphitheaters with walls that shimmer in all the hues of chromatic dragons. It’s here that Dragonborn warriors test their strength and breath attacks against each other in ritual combat.

Adventure Hook

A revered warrior has been challenged under suspicious circumstances, and foul play is suspected. The players must uncover the truth using their wits, strength, and possibly by participating in the combat trials themselves.

7. Mistral's Valley


This mist-covered valley is where the winds never cease, and the Dragonborn of Clan Zephyri harness these currents to practice their aerial manoeuvres and lightning damage control using kites and gliders.

Adventure Hook

An unnatural calm has settled over the valley, crippling its eco-system and weakening the clan. Players must restore the balance, investigating whether this is a natural anomaly or a malevolent act aimed at the Zephyri.

8. Forge of the First Flame


A sacred site located in a cave where natural gases emit continuous flames. It is said that the first fire of hearth and home was lit here by the ancient Dragonborn using their breath attack, and it has burned ever since.

Adventure Hook

The eternal flame is dying, and with it, the spiritual heart of Clan Pyrothus. The players must venture into the fiery depths of Eldraek to find a way to rekindle it, facing creatures of flame and trials of strength and character.

9. Echoes of the Ancients


A forest of stone pillars, each carved with the draconic ancestry table of

 a different clan. It is believed speaking the right words with the right dragon breath can activate ancient spells or reveal hidden paths.

Adventure Hook

A new path has opened, leading to a previously undiscovered chamber beneath the forest. Inside, lies a trove of draconic knowledge and magic, but also traps that test the players’ understanding of Dragonborn history and magic.

10. Caverns of the Metallic Echo


These echoing caverns are lined with metal ores that reflect not just light, but magic. The caverns amplify magical abilities and are used by metallic Dragonborn to practice and enhance their chromatic warding skills.

Adventure Hook

A metallic dragonborn child has gone missing in the caverns, suspected to be overwhelmed by their newly manifested powers. Players must navigate the labyrinthine caverns, contend with magically enhanced creatures, and rescue the child before their power causes irreparable damage.

Eldraek Dragonborn Character Creation Checklist

Creating a Dragonborn character for your adventures in the mystical lands of Eldraek involves a detailed process to fully immerse in the lore and capabilities that this unique race offers. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide players through creating their Eldraek Dragonborn character in "Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition."

Step 1: Basic Character Information

- [ ] Select a Clan Name: Choose which clan your Dragonborn belongs to, as this will influence their traits and abilities (e.g., Clan Pyrothus for fire affinity or Clan Zephyri for air affinity).

- [ ] Choose Your Dragon Type: Decide the type of dragon from which your Dragonborn descends (chromatic, metallic, or gem) which will determine your damage type and other racial traits.

- [ ] First Name and Family Names: Dragonborn often have first names given at birth and family names that are tied to their clan's history.

- [ ] Character Background: Develop a background story that includes elements such as previous engagements in great wars, dragonborn marriages, or your role within the clan.

Step 2: Ability Scores and Modifiers

- [ ] Ability Score Increase: Apply the standard Dragonborn trait of increasing your Strength score by 2, and your Charisma score by 1.

- [ ] Determine Modifiers: Calculate your Constitution modifier and other relevant ability modifiers which will affect your hit points, saving throws, and other statistics.

- [ ] Proficiency Bonus: Note your proficiency bonus, which starts at +2 and is used in attack rolls, saving throws, and skills in which your Dragonborn is proficient.

Step 3: Dragonborn Specific Traits

- [ ] Draconic Ancestry: Choose your specific draconic ancestry (e.g., Black, Blue, Brass, etc.) which will determine the type of breath weapon you possess and your resistance.

- [ ] Breath Weapon: Gain a breath weapon shaped by your draconic ancestry. Determine its shape (line or cone), range (typically 30-foot line or 15-foot cone), and damage type.

- [ ] Damage Resistance: You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Step 4: Skills and Combat

- [ ] Choose Skills: Based on your Dragonborn’s clan and background, select skills that reflect your character’s abilities and strengths.

- [ ] Determine Combat Abilities:

  - [ ] Attack Action/Bonus Action: Understand how these actions can be used in combat, particularly with your breath weapon which typically uses an attack action.

  - [ ] Saving Throws: Note which saves are important for your Dragonborn, influenced by your draconic heritage (usually Strength and Charisma).

Step 5: Advanced Features

- [ ] Level Advancements: Plan out key level advancements, especially when major racial features like breath weapon enhancements at 5th, 11th, and 16th levels occur.

- [ ] Psionic Abilities (if applicable from gem dragon heritage): If from a gem dragon lineage, you might have psionic abilities that include telepathic communication or other mind-based powers.

- [ ] Dragonborn Arts: If your campaign involves unique cultural elements such as Dragonborn arts or crafts, decide how these influence your character’s skills and abilities.

Step 6: Equipment and Artifacts

- [ ] Armor and Weapons: Choose appropriate armour and weapons. Dragonborn can be proficient in heavy armour and various weapons, depending on their class and background.

- [ ] Fizban’s Treasury Items: Incorporate magical items or artefacts that can be found in Fizban’s Treasury, which are designed to synergize with Dragonborn traits and history.

Step 7: Integration and Roleplaying

- [ ] Role within Clan and Society: Define your role within your clan and how you interact with members of other races.

- [ ] Alignment and Deity: Consider your alignment and any deities or draconic gods your Dragonborn may worship, reflecting their moral and ethical perspectives.

- [ ] Interaction Traits: Plan how your Dragonborn interacts in social settings, considering their charisma score and the typical Dragonborn traits of honour and clan loyalty.


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