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Faelvur, the dark elven god of fire
Faelvur, the dark elven god of fire

Faelvur, the dark elven god of fire
Faelvur, the dark elven god of fire
D&D Stealth
In Dungeons & Dragons, "stealth" is a fundamental concept that represents a character's ability to move silently, remain hidden, and avoid detection while navigating through environments, sneaking past enemies, or engaging in covert activities. Stealth is an essential skill for characters who wish to remain unnoticed or gain a tactical advantage in various situations.
**Key Points about Stealth**:
- **Stealth Checks**: Stealth is primarily determined by making a Stealth skill check. To do this, a character rolls a twenty-sided die (d20) and adds their Dexterity modifier, along with any proficiency bonus if they are proficient in Stealth. The result of this roll determines how effectively the character can move stealthily.
- **Hiding and Sneaking**: Characters use Stealth checks when they want to hide from enemies or move quietly. For example, a rogue might use Stealth to hide in the shadows, while a ranger might use it to sneak through the woods.
- **Opposed by Perception**: A character's Stealth check is usually opposed by the passive or active Perception checks of other creatures in the area. If a character's Stealth check result exceeds an enemy's Perception, they remain hidden from that enemy.
- **Advantage and Disadvantage**: Advantage and disadvantage can apply to Stealth checks. Advantage grants two d20 rolls, while disadvantage imposes the use of the lower roll. Various factors, such as lighting, cover, and magical effects, can influence advantage and disadvantage.
- **Situational Awareness**: A character's ability to use Stealth effectively depends on their surroundings. A character can use objects, obstacles, and shadows to their advantage when attempting to remain hidden.
- **Actions in Combat**: In combat, characters can use the Hide action to attempt to become hidden from enemies, allowing for sneak attacks or evading attacks. Stealth is also relevant for ambushing opponents.
**Character Classes and Stealth**:
- **Rogue**: Rogues are experts in stealth, and their class features often enhance their ability to remain hidden and deliver deadly sneak attacks.
- **Ranger**: Rangers are skilled at moving stealthily in natural environments and tracking creatures.
- **Monk**: Monks can use their Dexterity and agility to perform stealthy movements and approach enemies silently.
- **Spellcasters**: Certain spells, such as the "Invisibility" spell, can make characters or objects temporarily invisible, greatly aiding in stealth.
**Roleplaying Considerations**:
Characters proficient in Stealth often possess traits like patience, observation, and an understanding of their environment. Roleplaying Stealth can involve describing how a character uses cover, moves silently, or takes advantage of darkness to avoid detection.
**Counterplay and Detection**: Characters with high Perception scores, special abilities, or magical senses can counter stealth attempts by detecting hidden creatures. Detection methods may include listening for sounds, using darkvision, or casting spells like "Detect Magic."
In summary, Stealth in D&D represents a character's ability to move silently, remain hidden, and avoid detection. It plays a significant role in a variety of scenarios, from sneaking past guards to ambushing enemies. Proficiency in Stealth can be a valuable asset for characters who rely on subtlety and tactical advantage in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

Shadows and Silence: Mastering Stealth in D&D
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